FUM#5 with ZTB

FUM#5 with ZTB  – Follow Up Monthly – hosted by Jeremy Wade

This time the choreographer Jeremy Wade invited us to his house.
We discuss how to reach as many people as possible with a campaign, what forms of creative protest there are and who we want to reach with our cause.
Please register until Sunday at: vorstand@ztberlin.de
The number of participants is limited due to lack of space. With the registration you will get the exact location.

When: Tue, 29.10.2019, 7 pm

MeToo Workshop – AUG 18,2019

ztb presents:

#MeToo for dance professionals in Berlin: a workshop

The #MeToo movement has encouraged important shifts in discourses surrounding sexual harassment in the dance field, but relatively little has been discussed in the context of the independent Berlin scene. In this 3-hour workshop, Ilse Ghekiere (BE, Engagement Arts) and Robyn Morg Doty (USA/DE, Whistle While You Work) will discuss their experiences in establishing tools for dance professionals dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. On the basis of small-group discussions of case studies, participants will learn what avenues of support are available for dance professionals working in Berlin. Collectively, we will discuss what blind spots still exist and how they can be remedied.

When: August 18, 2019, 10 am – 1 pm
Where: Uferstudio 6

The workshop will be held free of charge.
Places in the workshop are limited to 20, to secure your place please register by sending an email to vorstand@ztberlin.de.

For more information on Ilse’s work, see www.engagementarts.be
For more information on Robyn’s work with Whistle While You Work, see www.nobody100.com

This workshop is a collaboration with Tanz im August, who also will have Ilse and Robyn as guests for a talk:
16.8., 19:00 | #MeToo – to be continued Gäste: Frances Chiaverini & Robyn Doty (Whistle While You Work), Ilse Ghekiere (Engagement Arts) | Moderation: Brenda Dixon-Gottschild | Bibliothek im August | Englisch

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/metoo-workshop_ztb/

FUM with ZTB #2

FUM* with ZTB #2
30th July 2019, 7 pm.

Where: Café Pförtner, Uferstr. 8, 13357 Berlin

Dear members, dear interested people,
our second FUM* with ZTB is just around the corner.
This meeting is all about PROTEST!
We are angry and disappointed about the results of the draft budget for 2020/21 after this intensive year with the Round Table Dance!
Starting in August, we are preparing a campaign with several actions to show our frustration and bring it to the public. With you we would like to develop creative resistance and discuss together. Come in large numbers to the bus of the Cafe Pförtner in Wedding!

* Follow up monthly – FUM with ZTB takes place every last Tuesday of the month. Follow up dates: 27.08.2019, 24.09.2019

Dates of the Working Groups Round Table Dance

Please check before each meeting if nothing has changed.

Working Group Internationality/Touring/Networking
WHEN: Tuesdays 18:00-21:00
DATES: 10.4., 3.5. (Attention: Thursday!), 22.5., 19.6.
Main building, side entrance 1. FLOOR, left
Eberswalder Strasse 10, 10437 Berlin
22.5.: HAU3, Studio 0, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

Working Group Accessibility and Diversity
WHEN: Wednesdays 18:00-21:00
DATES: 11.4., 9.5., 23.5., 20.6.
WHERE: Uferstudios, Uferstraße 8, 13357 Berlin, main kitchen (Please check before each meeting changes.)

Working Group Research and Transmission
WHEN: Fridays 15:00-18:00
DATES: 13.4., 4.5., 25.5., 22.6.
WHERE: 4.5., Bewegungsraum “Sky” in ZUsammenKUNFT, Stresemannstrasse 95, 10963 Berlin
Follow the sign “Hotel Bel Ahl”, bring your ID or another document with your Foto on it and come a bite earlier because of the security check and the way to the 15th floor. U-Bahn: Anhalter Bahnhof or Potsdamer Platz)
25.5. and 22.6., Mime Centrum, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Working Group Infrastructure
WHEN: Wednesday 18:00-21:00
DATES: 18.4., 2.5., 16.5., 30.5., 13.6., 27.6.
WHERE: HAU3, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

Working Group Money and more
WHEN: Tuesdays 18:00-21:00
DATES: 25.4. (ATTENTION: Wednesday), 15.5., 29.5., 12.6., 26.6.
WHERE: 25.4. Radialsystem, Holzmarktstraße 33, 10243 Berlin
15.5., 29.5.., 12.6., 26.6.  Mime Centrum Berlin, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Vorbereitungstreffen Runder Tisch Tanz

Wir möchten Euch/Sie herzlich zu einem gemeinsamen Treffen zur Vorbereitung des Runden Tisches Tanz einladen, das am

Mittwoch, den 14. Februar 2018 von 10-12.30 Uhr in den Uferstudios, Studio 13 stattfindet.
Nähere Informationen zum Runden Tisch Tanz finden sich hier.

Wir bitten zur besseren Planung um Rückmeldung zur Teilnahme an dem Treffen bis Montag, 12.2.2018 unter post@tanzbuero-berlin.de

Bei dem Treffen am kommenden Mittwoch soll mit Euch/Ihnen gemeinsam der Kreis der potenziellen Teilnehmer*innen des Runden Tisches Tanz diskutiert und bestimmt werden.
Darüber hinaus sollen auch Vorschläge für die Arbeitsgruppen zum Runden Tisch Tanz sowie Ideen, wie der Runde Tisch Tanz flankiert und seine Sichtbarkeit gestärkt werden kann, gesammelt werden.

Angesichts dieser wichtigen Vorbereitungsarbeit bitten wir um rege Beteiligung!

Das Tandem, das den partizipativen Prozess Runder Tisch Tanz über das Jahr 2018 koordiniert und steuert, ist inzwischen benannt: Karin Kirchhoff – Kuratorin, Dramaturgin, Dozentin – und Elisabeth Nehring – Kulturjournalistin. In dieser Funktion wird Karin Kirchhoff die Runde am 14.2. bereits moderieren.