Call for Demonstration / September, 13, 2024, 18-20h / Brandenburger Tor

Call for Demonstration / September, 13, 2024, 18-20h / Brandenburger TorZTB Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V.

10-12% cuts on the Berlin level

50% cuts on the Federal level

Berlin Dance needs you!

Poor but sexy won’t do it this time!

The current cuts in the (federal budget) Federal Cultural Fund of up to 50% and the expected cuts at Berlin level of 10-12% will have devastating consequences for the entire independent scene and dance in particular. The situation for self-employed dance professionals is already catastrophic, with an average annual income below the official poverty line. With further cuts, many of us will no longer be able to pursue our profession. This is unacceptable and, to say the least, a huge loss for the city of Berlin, internationally renowned for its diverse and experimental dance scene. This reputation is fading away as the dance landscape is in danger of being dried up by further cuts. We must fight back!

On 13 September 2024, the Dachverband Tanz is organizing an Action Day in front of the Brandenburg Gate to draw attention to the importance of dance in Germany: the diversity and potential of dance should be made visible in the public space and brought into the political conversation.” A performative supporting program will take place from 3 pm and speeches and statements by politicians and cultural workers are planned from 6 pm to 8 pm. This is exactly when we need you! We are planning a demonstration and want to show together that there are many of us who stand for dance in Berlin. Come with your posters if you like, otherwise we will also provide some on site.

#Danceworkiswork #TanzAgenda24 #BerlinTanzHauptstadt

On 6 March from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ag Tanz und Elternschaft (Dance and Parenthood working group) is offering an info Zoom session on the Kids and Caregivers Rider for interested venues and event organisers

The Rider was developed by Ag 2023 as a recommendation for action and offers practical and concrete tips on how events can be designed to be family-friendly.
Initiated as an information and exchange format, the event on 6 March offers the opportunity to get into conversation and further advance the implementation of family- and parent-friendly event formats, especially in the dance sector.
Please register in advance by email to: (please also use the email contact for any queries)
The link to the event will then be sent to you.
The information session will be held in German.
Please get in touch if you are interested in an information session in English, we will then schedule another session.

Netzwerktreffen Tanzvermittlung – #1 Access Check.

Thursday, 14th of December 2023, 2 – 7 pm, Tagungshaus Alte Feuerwache, Kreuzberg

What is the status quo of access in the field of dance? What are good practices that have made a difference in recent years? What are the biggest barriers and how can we overcome them together? We would like to address these questions by looking at institutional and artistic-mediating practices.

The network meeting builds on our concept for a Berlin dance mediation centre, Access Point Dance/Tanzvermittlungszentrum, in which the terms Vermittlung and Access are strongly linked. The Netzwerktreffen Tanzvermittlung – #1 Access Check is the first of a series of regular network meetings in the field of dance mediation and serves to promote links and exchange.

Keynote guests include: Hannah Aldinger (Access-Work and art mediator), Angela Alves (Dancer and choreographer), Lucia Matzke (Krump dancer and dance mediator), Bahar Meric (Co-Founder of Future Move e.V.), Elisa Ricci (Project manager of Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum), Diana Thielen (Activist dance maker and mediator)

Moderation: Leila Haghighat (Cultural scientist and art mediator)

Registration until 10th of December at:

Address Tagungshaus Alte Feuerwache,  Axel-Springer-Str. 40/41, 10969 Berlin, U8 Moritzplatz, U2 Spittelmarkt, U6 Kochstraße, Bus M29 and 248 Lindenstraße/Oranienstraße


The network meeting will be held in German, with English translation available if required. Participation is free of charge. DGS translation is available. The seminar room of the Tagungshaus Feuerwache is accessible for wheelchair users and can be reached with an elevator and a ramp. Wheelchair-accessible bathrooms and toilets with wide doors without doorsteps are available.

Please let us know your access needs when you register.

(de) Workshop: Dismantling Barriers for a Better Work Culture in Dance Making and ‘Tanzvermittlung’

When? 18.11.2023 12 – 18h

Where? Studio 16, Uferstudios


What is in the way to access dance and how can these obstacles be dismantled? Research with us in a workshop in 3 parts that addresses different barriers in the field of dance and ‘Tanzvermittlung’* in Berlin.


Work Cultures and Class (AG Work Culture)
Olympia, Rike and Enrico from AG Work Culture will kick off the day sharing the results of the AG Work Cultures’s two year process that resulted in the publishing of a set of guidelines: “How to (Make) Dance in Berlin”. This will serve as a starting point to discuss class barriers to access the independent dance scene – and to reflect how this impacts the field of ‘Tanzvermittlung’.
Have a good rest!  (Angela Alves)
Crip folk often know very well what they need to do to level their pain, but there is not enough space, validation and recognition for these practices in dance and society. This workshop centers resting as a crip technique and discusses it as a transformative practice of justice and liberation. 
Decolonial and Intersectional Perspectives                           (Kathy-Ann Tan)
This workshop will take a participatory and collaborative approach, asking participants to delve into what they envision as good working conditions and sustainable forms of remuneration, distribution of resources and structural support. What does it mean to center decolonial and intersectional forms of theory and practice in the arts and cultures, particularly in a context of dance, live art and ‘Tanzvermittlung’? How can accessibility and disability justice in the arts be more than simply an “add-on”, and instead a committed approach, methodology and practice?


Access Information
The Heizhaus is accessible via two ramps. The first ramp is 6.60 m long and has an incline of 5.2%, the second ramp is 6.80 m long with a 6% incline. To enter Studio 16, a 15 cm high step must be passed. If required, a mobile ramp is available here, which should be operated with an assistant. Seating is customized. We offer beanbags, mattresses and cushions. There are two barrier-free WCs with showers (measuring 2.6 m x 2.1 m) on the premises, which can be accessed without steps. There is no guidance system for the blind. Participants are asked to test for covid before coming. Stimmtoys and earplugs will be provided. Studio 16 will be available throughout the workshop as a chill out space. 


* The field of ‘Tanzvermittlung’ moves between dance & society and aims to create access to practice & witness dance as an art form.
More definitions you find here:
Free of charge. Lunch included.
Reserve your spot here:
The workshop is a collaboration of Access Point Tanz and ZTB e.V. represented by AG Work Culture and is funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. 
AG Work Culture is represented by Enrico L’Abbate, Olympia Bukkakis & Rike Flämig.

Kultur Räume Berlin: Two dance rehearsal rooms “Georg-Knorr-Straße”

Kultur Räume Berlin, represented by Kulturraum Berlin GmbH, awards two subsidized, newly renovated rehearsal/production spaces for dance in Georg-Knorr-Str. 4 in Berlin-Mahrzahn to professionally working artists within the framework of the Arbeitsraumprogramm (ARP, previously supervised by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe) and in cooperation with Gesellschaft für StadtEntwicklung gGmbH. 4 in Berlin-Mahrzahn from June 2021.The location has very good public transport connections: S7 (station Berlin-Mahrzahn, connection to S-Bhf Ostkreuz), streetcar 16, 27, M6, M17 (station Gewerbepark Georg Knorr, connection to S-Bhf Landsberger Allee).

The rooms are located on the 1st floor of a former factory building, on the same floor are, among others, the new Seneca Intensive Studios. The lease is expected to start on 01.06.2021.

Rehearsal room Nr. 1: dance room 123,78 m2 + office 28,68 m2 (plus showers, toilets) -> total monthly costs incl. electricity 997,17 €.

Rehearsal room Nr. 2: dance room 83,03 m2 + office 8,85 m2 (plus showers, WCs) -> total monthly costs incl. electricity 616,84 €.

The rooms are spanned by two beams, at these points the clear room height is 3.46 m and 3.86 m respectively, the door width is 1.25 m in each case. All walls are painted white, the screed floor is covered with a light gray matt color coating, and in the two dance rooms there is a sprung floor and dance carpet.

Detailed information about the rooms can be found here. (Info sheet as pdf for download see below).

Individual artists as well as user groups/associations of up to five tenants per room can apply. The rooms are allocated for 12 or 24 months, extensions are possible up to a maximum of four years. The selection will be made by a sector-specific, independent awarding advisory board for performing arts and dance within the framework of the ARP.

The two viewing dates on 13.04. and 27.04.2021 will take place digitally only.

Pre-registration is required with Kulturraum Berlin GmbH via the following link

Visiting dates:

13.04.2021, 16.00-17.30 (online via Zoom)

27.04.2021, 16.00-17.30 (online via Zoom)

Application deadline: 09.05.2021

Infoblatt of Kultur Räume Berlin (German): Vergabe von zwei Tanzräumen+Büro_Georg-Knorr-Str. 4_Infoblatt Kulturraum Berlin GmbH März 2021

With this CryptPad, Kulturraum Berlin GmbH offers the possibility for self-organized networking as a community of users:
It works like a bulletin board, here contacts to other applicants can be searched for in order to clarify or find communities of users in the run-up to the application

Statement by the Recipients of the Tanzpraxis Scholarship

The Tanzpraxis scholarship holders have published a statement on the continuation of the scholarship program:

Emerging from the Round Table for Dance process 2018 which was hosted by the ZTB, and developed within the framework of the working group “Money and More” the Tanzpraxis scholarship pilot project is implemented by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe in 2020 and 2021.

The scholarship is intended to promote the sustainable artistic development of professionally trained and/or working dancers as well as choreographers in Berlin.

​Of the 2,500 dance professionals working in Berlin, 41 have been awarded the 2020/21 Tanzpraxis Fellowship.